Sunday, February 17, 2013

Film Language Pop Quiz

Film Language Pop Quiz
1) the 4 elements of Mise-En-Scene props, acting, setting and the lighting in the film

2) a continues piece of unedited footage 

3) edit is when it cuts to a next scene or fades

4) lighting could be used to create mood for example- if the film was sad they would use dark lighting for a sad display and for happy they lighting would be bright.

5) a light directly at the back of the item or persons

6) the border of screen and controlling what the viewer sees

7) thirds is when it is cut into 3 parts and it is important so it leads you to the focus point

8) they are overexpose for the purpose of scene or to show something that is important and that it is bright and happy

9) by underexposing it can show that it is dark for an emotion (sad,gloomy,misty)

LOW- to show the character is powerful
HIGH- to show the character in intimated by something bigger and more powerful

11) canted means to have the camera on the side

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