Sunday, February 12, 2012


PHOTO 1: in this photo of Harry Styles you can tell he is happy by his smile and the way he carries his face. if you look at this photo you can tell he is not sad but happy. the emotions he has a very strong and helps us to tell what mood he is in :)
PHOTO 2: in this photo of christie and i you can tell where happy for the same reasons as photo 1 because we show strong emotions :)
PHOTO 3: in this photo of my cousin Maddy her face shows the emotions of happy and by the way her mouth is shaped you can tell she is smiling :)
PHOTO 4: in this photo of my cousin Maddy her smile is telling you that she is in a happy mood and is not sad or depressed you can peoples moods by there smile and face :)
HAVE IN COMMON: these photos have a lot in common a main one is there smile they all look very happy. they also do not look sad or depressed :)

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