Monday, June 3, 2013

Teamwork during Production:

i really think without doing storyboards, shot lists etc our movie would have been horrible, it was good that we all had the shot lists as if someone was away we could all have it and could continue filming, every lesson we used the shot list as it told us what we had to film in that scene and how to film it.

during our while process with making the ilm we had no problems with out time as we where all there on all lessons we had to film and plan. all of us contributed with our costumes and sets. everyone one was able to make it when we had our saturday session for around 5 hours witch was good because we needed everybody there.

our shots where as detailed in our planning maybe even more. i think that was our main for making the film that we all wanted really good shots to present. on the first day of filming we didn't really pay attention to how important shots and lightening so we ended up filming all of that again to make sure it was to the best of our ability.

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