Thursday, March 14, 2013

Home work mise-en-scene

In the scene of the movie the director has used the elements of mise-en-scene to show the audience the effect of the genre horror. The props and costumes where one of the main points that stood out to contribute to the genre, axe,blood,dead body parts and knife are only some of the main aspects to putting this scene together. The blood was very useful to put in as the audience really started to realise it was a horror, and that was only from using one of the many props they used. The directors choosing of the setting was very good and fit the movie perfectly, dark isolated woods, when you think of it you think of a horror movie. The characters put a lot of effort to try and make there acting in the woods fit perfectly so the audience could understand that it was a horror movie. The lighting was another main part that helped us show the genre as the director chose dark lights and shadows to leave suspense. Overall the movie has shown us using mise-en-scene that it is in Netherlands genre horror

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