Sunday, February 10, 2013

Editing Decision Activity

"people caught in the crossfire between police and the bank robbers"
1) editing speed /slow/fast- slow
2) justification- i would use slow editing because i would like to make the character that is being effected feel confused and slow, and he/her would not no what was going on and his brain would go blank. the man/girl would zoom up to his face and look very confused and dizzy

"An innocent character is stalked by werewolf" 
 1) editing speed /slow/fast- fast
2) justification- it would be fast as the character would realise that hi/her is being stalked and she starts running and the speed of the film would be fast

" the character confesses the horrific crime to someone" 
  1) editing speed /slow/fast- slow
2) justification- the film would be slow because he is feeling guilty for the crime the he committed and will zoom up on his guilty face

"two teams compete in the fanils of a street dance competition" 
 1) editing speed /slow/fast- loud and fast
2) justification- the dance will be lid and fast because the characters will be break dancing and it will show the intensity of the competition

"a high car chase ends in tradgity" 

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