Thursday, October 11, 2012



How did the film make you feel? (excited, intrigued, happy etc)  
this animation 'Factory' makes me feel confused as i didn't really understand the meanings of the animation and it wasen't very clear what the author was trying to show the audience. 

In your opinion, what was the most striking element of the film?
The most sticking part of the film was when they had the hand as the claw working in the factory I don't know why but that just really stood out in the film.

List three other things that you found interesting?
1. I like the colours they used how the film is in black and white it just has so much more meaning that way
2. I also like when the man is using the wrench 
3. And I like atbthenstart when there all walking into the factory 

What meaning did you think the artist was trying to convey?
I am not definite that this is it but some of my ideas would be that the author is trying to show us that...

What is your overall impression of the film’s mood?
The films mood is all dark and gloomy so it either looks like there being pushed to hard or they really don't like there job.

Did sound play an important part in your response to the film?
I wasn't really listening to the sound as I was to concentrated on the film butmifni really listen to it it just sounds like a factory

What comments can you make about the animators technique? (i.e. was it simple, complicated, smooth, jerky etc)
The animation was really simple but that's what's made it so good it just was like that saying 'less is more' and it was not super smooth but not horribly not smooth so it was a mix in the middle

Do you think that this animation would have been well planned?
I think it would have to be well planned as with all the different layers going on in the film it would have to and it turned out really well so I think it was really well planned