Saturday, September 15, 2012


when we filmed this chistie and i didn't really like how this came out in the end but we had to keep it because we where scared we wouldnt have time to finish so if we need to we will come back to this


YAY MY FAVORITE SCENE i don't know why i love this so much but when i finished filing this and looking at it, it was decently my favourite. while listening the the lyrics "she gave you things i couldn't give to youuuu" this means that lila could have kids but sky didn't, we thought how where we going to express how she could give him things but she couldnt but then christie and i thought of a KID witch worked really well with the lyrics. this scene may not be the best to others but it is to me i worked so hard on this one it may not be perfect but i love it

SCENE 3 (3)

THE KISSING SCENE WHOOOO now this is when josh and lila kiss at the end of the alter this must have to be one of my favourite scenes as you can just feeling the love when looking at this. christie and i tried so hard to get this scene perfect, and in the and it pulled off it took us 2 lessons on this and i really feel like you can you see what their feeling sand the body language just really makes the ending to scene 3 fantastic.

SCENE 3 (2)

this was the next part of the wedding this is when lila is waling down the aisle :) because we didn't have enough time for her to walk slowly down the aisle we had to make her waddle i don't think it looking that bad it really is a comedy in tis scene just looking at the way she walks ahahha. but in the end i think christie and i got her down the aisle in one piece and i am really happy with this part of scene 3

SCENE 3 (1)

YAY i was so excited to film this THE WEDDING SCENE WHOOO i moved filming this scene. at the start when we did our fist it was horrible like he was just standing their like a statue for about 5 seconds we showed mr andrews and he wasn't impressed he said we need to feel what our character is feeling. thats we when started moving our character to show the he was nervous and scared i think it turned out really good i just hope other people like it just as much as we do.

scene 2

scene 2

SCENE 2 (1)

Why Now

incase your wondering why i am uploading now it is because i have had all of these written but we had not exported all our videos and my videos weren't uploading so i had to go see mr Andrews about that thank-you :)

SCENE 1 (2)

this is our final scene in scene 1 looking at how the rest of the class is doing i think we are catching up but i am just hoping we will be able to get finished in time. this scene is our part after the title of sky playing the piano, we tried and tried to get this scene right but when we kept doing in either the lighting wasn't right or the camera angles so it was so hard to get this scene finished when it just wasn't corroborating with us, but in the end we figured it out and it turned out we have a pretty good closing scene for scene 1.


christie did most of this one as she is better on animashinesh (don't know how to spell) then i am so this was a bonus so while christie was doing that i got to get stuck on filming the scene 1 part 3 (next post) but i think the title turned out quite good but if we do need to fix it at the end we will see if we have enough time but i think its really good as we really are not that good on the program :)

SCENE 1 (1)

christie and i are quite scared everyone has started filming there movies and we haven't started so today we came in and we where going to get started this was our first scene that we did the introduction of sky playing the piano you can see while looking at our practises we have improved a lot.  mr andrwes helped us along the way as we where moving our characters wrong now he taught us how to move the camera without having to move the girl this helped so much as now our animation is smooth. i think christie and i work really good together and we found this out in this scene we really helped each other with our problems when filming and moving our girl (sky)
we stared but it just was so difficult to get the camera the angle we wanted it, it took us so long but in the end christie and i got there and i think this scene is a really great start to our film


this is one of our other practises as you can see that that it is getting a little bit better but we still don't have it the way we want it what we could improve on is just learning and practising to get the filming and smoothness better so our film will look how we wanted it, this is just a little bit of the the film showing her hands playing on the piano


this is another one of our practises when we were trying to zoom in on her face, as you can see it is not smooth and the camera is going side to side when we want it to go straight to her face. next time we will have to make sure the camera goes face and we need to remember to put the camera into focus

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


this is our first practise we have done in creatvive, christie and i really didnt know how to work out how to use i stop motion but when we called mr andrews over he really helped us work out how to move our camara and our props and characters :) now that we have done that we are hoping our film will come out more smooth and better then we hoped :)xx it also wasn't our bet because as you can see she doesn't move her hands but mr andrews taught us how to make it look like she's playing the paino