Sunday, March 25, 2012




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Emu/Tree Frog morphing



Emu/Tree Frog morphing reflection



Animal morphing (personal choice)



Animal morphing (personal choice) - reflection



Emma Watson Glamour Photo and Liquify experiment



Emma Watson reflection



Editing a celebrity (personal choice)



Editing a celebrity - Reflection



Making your own Brush and reflection



Research 3 emotions



Find 3 images to represent each emotion (3 emotions x 3 images)



Emotion morphing exercise

Create 3 emotions from a selected animal image



Photoshop self-experimentation (optional)



Avatar Assessment Task

Planning documentation for your avatar



Personality Profile



Progress uploads and reflections of your work



2 Completed Avatars



Friday, March 23, 2012


this is my final avatar 2. i really enjoyed making this avatar because i really believe it matches to the emotion (serious). I HOPE YOU LIKE IT :):):)

Layers 2

these are my layers for my second avatar

step 11 (avatar 2)

in these images i put the top skin on the black top so it had more of bright side. i think this is a really good idea to end up my avatar 2.

step 10 (avatar 2)

in this image i had to do what i did to my first avatar and colour my school uniform black before i put on my skin over the top.

step 9 (avatar 2)

in this photo i just added the crown from my first avatar. i know it doesn't really match the theme but every princess has a crown.

step 8 (avatar 2)

in this photo i changed my avatars eye colour i stared with a red but then changed to a blue colour because i didn't want the eyes to be the same colour of the lips.

step 7 (avatar 2)

in this image i added a black and white flower skin to my face. i got this image from flickr and i think it really helps the face have more meaning and it gives more emotion.

step 6 (avatar 2)

in this image i changed the colour of the lips to a bright red so they stand out more :)

step 5 (avatar 2)

this is where i changed the hair colour so it matches my emotion more (serious)

step 4 (avatar 2)

in this image i added my hair but in the next step you will see that i change the colour of it to a blocky/grey colour :)

step 3 (avatar 2)

in this image i put the black and white background behind my body. i also fixed up my hair so you couldn't see it so when i put my other hair on i will look more natural

step 2 (avatar 2)

with this image i had to make my body smaller so you could see my background once i put it on :)

step 1 (avatar)

these are my two photos that i will be using to create my second avatar. the castle image is my original background from avatar 1 but in black and white so it matches her emotion more (serious)


this is my final product. i am really happy with hw it turned out because it matches my character profile sheet perfectly. i have had so much fun creating this avatar and i can't wait to get onto my next emotion (serious/sad) :) HOPE YOU LIKE IT


these are my layers for my first avatar (happy)

step 12 (avatar)

this is once i have added the skin to the black shirt. you may think thats its really out there but it really shows the emotion of my character (happy). because when princess colour is happy she is very colourful :)

step 11 (avatar)

because i could not find a good colourful shirt on flickr i ended up colouring my school uniform black so that i can get a colourful skin to put over the top :)

step 10 (avatar)

in this i added the crown to princess colour. when i went onto flickr i could not find a good picture of a crown so i ended up with this photo. with the crown you can see that the edges are blurry thats because thats how the image came :)

step 9 (avatar)

This was one of my favourite parts of constructing the avatar I got to make my teeth perfect. this was really fun to do because i have never had perfect teeth but now after this i am really am excited to see what the end product looks like :)

step 8 (avatar)

in this photo i changed the colour of her eyes (yellow) you may not be able to see the eyes but it does really bring them out.

step 7 (avatar)

in this photo i added a blue skin to the lips so they will stand out once i put the perfect teeth on. i think my lips could of looked better if i spent more time on the lips.

step 6 (avatar)

with this avatar i really felt like going all out with my colours so in this image i added a leopard print skin to my skin i think this really helps with the emotion and really makes my princess colour a lot my like my character profile sheet :)

step 5 (avatar)

this is when i changed the hair colour to a bright pink colour. i was looking through a lot of affects to get the hair just right and i think i found a great affect that really shows the emotion happy witch is what i am really aiming for :)

step 4 (avatar)

in this photo i have put christies hair right now it does not look realistic but once i change the look to match her emotion and finish doing the other features the hair will really stand out. next time i would have done my hair out so i have my hair in the photo but i didn't have time to re take the photo :)

step 3 (avatar)

in this photo was the two photos below merged together. i am using christie perils hair so in this image i got rid of my hair so i will be able to have a more realistic look when i end up putting hair on. :)

step 2 (avatar)

these are my two photos for my back ground i chose the castle from flickr and the photo of myself was me when i was doing my happy emotion :)

step 1 (avatar)

in todays lesson we had our photoshoot with Mr Andrews. we had to take these photos because these are the photos we will be using for our avatars.

character profile sheet :)


in todays lesson mr andrews wanted us to have more practise on merging to animals together. i chose a giraffe and an elephant. i would have liked to change the elephants head but i did not have time at the end of the lesson. overall i think this was a great exercise and we learnt a lot of cool tools.


in todays lesson mr andrews gave us a lesson to just have fun with photoshop. i decided to make harry styles a clown becuase i wanted to practise how to change the persons hair colour and eye colour and so on. in this exercise i used masks so there can look more real. i had a great lesson learning how to make people look diffrent by using colours :)